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My Kosher Single Malt Scotch Whisky List

Last Updated: 9th December 2024

For a more Detailed PDF File

The PDF above contains a list of Scotch Single Malt Whiskies that contain no Stam Yeinam (any sherry, wine, brandy etc) influence. 

It is provided as a guide for those who wish to avoid any doubt whatsoever and drink only those whiskies matured in ex-Bourbon, New Virgin or other non-wine based casks (such as Rum).

There are still some important Poskim who maintain that all Scotch Whisky is kosher. Nonetheless, AKO (the "Association of Kashrus Organisations", the umbrella group comprising the most prestigious and reliable Kashrus organisations in the world, (which include the KLBD, MBD, OK, Star-K, OU, cRc...), are now instructing us not to drink any whiskies where the distillery states on the bottle that the product has been matured (even partially) in casks previously having contained sherry, wine or the like. (See the AKO, OU and cRc sites for further details).

Moreover, in discussions carried out in July 2020, there seems to be an increasing consensus amongst the AKO Poskim, that Single Malts matured exclusively in fresh First-Fill Ex-Sherry/Port/Wine casks are totally forbidden. (I am waiting for an official statement on this point which I hope, Be'ezras Hashem will be issued soon).

I take the position that there are, Baruch Hashem, so many wonderful single malts out there to drink with no yayin stam influence, (as my list proves), I personally feel very comfortable being machmir and staying clear of even a hint of any possible halachic problem.

If you find any official bottling which you think is missing from my list, please do not hesitate to contact me.


  1. The pdf would be easier to read if the column headings were repeated on every page. Also what is the difference between a box with a check mark and in with an 'x'?

    1. Thanks for your comment. I'll look into how to repeat the headings. It's a nice idea. Regarding the columns which indicate if the release is Non Chill Filtered and if Natural Colour, blank means that I was unable to determine status, a Tick means Yes it is, an X means No it isn't.

    2. Repeating column headings on each page is built into excel. Page Layout > Page Setup > Sheet > Rows to repeat at top:

    3. Thanks. I'll check it out, bli neder this week. The list an urgent update..

  2. I purchased an Aultmore 21 year in Duty Free in NYC. Batch number 00107. How can I know if it was bottled after 2016?

    1. If it's the new bottle style then it's after 2016. Tell me something. I'm in Crown Heights now. Where's the best place to go to purchase Single Malts?

  3. Hello, I wanted to know if you can give me a pdf of all the kosher drinks and Alcoholic Beverages that have the application / web. So I see all the information together.
    Thank you

    1. I'm sorry. I don't understand your question. Could you rephrase it please?

    2. Thank you for such a complete list. I did not see Shieldaig , does it mean it is not approved. Have you researched any Japanese products?

      Thank you.

    3. Thanks for your questions. Shieldaig is a brand from independent bottler Ian Macleod. I make it clear that my list only includes official bottlings from distilleries, as there are so many independent bottlers releasing so many products with little information about them, it would be impossible to keep up with them all. In this case, the company does not even reveal the distillery the whisky is from, let alone the casks used. Similar answer regarding Japanese whisky. I clearly state on my list "Scotch" which means whisky from Scotland! Moreover, Japan has poor regulations and it is impossible to obtain reliable cask information. If you have a question about a specific bottling then you can write to me and I'll try and find out.

  4. Yaher Koach for this amazing list and all the effort

  5. Many thanks for this review. I found the blog very interesting and you summed up the intent in the last paragraph so insightfully. Bullseye 🎯

    1. Thanks for visiting. I look forward to more comments from you.

  6. Laphroaig 25 Year Old Cask Strength Bot.2014 label and box lists Oloroso sherry casks.

    1. Hi Bezalel. Where do you see Laphroaig 25 Bot. 2014 on my list?
      I list
      Laphroaig 25 Bot.2018, 2019 and 2020 but not 2014!

  7. Dear Reb Mordechai, thank you for the amazing job you are doing!
    Recently I received as a present the Macallan A NIGHT ON EARTH IN SCOTLAND.
    Here is the link -
    Is it kosher?
    I received it from a person who keeps kashrut.
    Thank you!

  8. Dear Reb Mordechai, thank you for your amazing job!
    Do you know if Macallan A NIGHT ON EARTH IN SCOTLAND - a kosher whisky?
    here is the link to it -

    1. Shalom. Could you please use my Contact Form on the lefthand side of the homepage to send me a private email. I will bli neder reply to you.

    2. Thank you so much! I have sent you the email.

  9. Thank you so much for your wonderful work, it's really helpful .
    I've got a single malt scotch whiskey "Peat's Beast" batch strength. The guy told me he knows that only bourbon casks were used. He said they produced a different version that's finished in sherry casks, so this one isn't.
    Do you by any chance know about that?
    Thanks again

    1. Shalom Levi. I don't usually check the thousands of releases by independent bottlers. This one is from F Fitzgerald. After some searching, there are indeed a number of different versions. Those finished in Sherry are clearly marked as such, at the top, on the tin. However, the non-finished versions don't seem to say anything on the canister or label stating which casks were used for maturation. You can tell immediately if you have the relase finished in PX sherry as it has a dark red colour. The version which isn't finished is a light straw colour, indicating the use of predominantly Ex-Bourbon barrels. However, I could not find any solid evidence of this release being 100% Ex-Bourbon matured. Perhaps an email to the company might help.

    2. I contacted some owner or something of Fox Fitzgerald and this was his answer: Hi Levi and thanks for your very kind message!! Bourbon casks... Second fill... From a very well known islay distillery πŸ˜‰ (though the whisky is not islay).....
      What does that say?

  10. I just wanted to say thank you for the list. I enjoy whisky and also the intricacies of halachoh in this area. This is a gem of a site/blog and list. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, really appreciate. Keep well.

    1. You are very welcome and thank you so much for your kind words.

  11. Hi, thank you for your great blog and work.
    Do you know anything about Ardberg Anamorphic? Is it kosher? I don’t see it on your list.
    Thanks again and Happy Purim

    1. Happy Purim to you too. The Ardberg Anamorphic is a very limited edition for Ardbeg members only. Very rare editions such as these don't usually make it on my list, but if you are lucky enough to have a bottle and are thinking of opening it and drinking it, please do so with family and friends. As far as my research goes, it's matured in Ex-Bourbon barrels which have been re-toasted and then re-charred and does not seem to have any kashrus issues, so please enjoy this special bottle. And let me know what it's like. LeChayim and Purim Sameach.

  12. Greetings from La Jolla (San Diego) California, USA. I am the Sar HaMashkim in our shul, and the subject of wine casks has gotten a lot of attention over the years. We don't have wine / sherry cask finish beverages at our kiddush / official events, but congregants often ask if it's okay to have at home. One (anonymous) Rabbi told me that since the sherry or wine casks impart no flavor, it is fine (!). I agree with your note that in Israel people are more interested in the kashrus questions, where in the UK / US people are often pretty hostile to the idea that stam yeinam can be an issue. With gratitude for all of your work, and making these resources available, Adam

    1. Dear Adam. With respect, this Rabbi is mistaken. You can definitely taste the wine as the most dominant flavour in a First-Fill Ex-Sherry cask single malt whisky. You don't need to be an expert either. You just need to be familiar with wine and whisky.

  13. Greetings from La Jolla (San Diego) California, USA. I am the Sar HaMashkim in our shul, and the subject of wine casks has gotten a lot of attention over the years. We don't have wine / sherry cask finish beverages at our kiddush / official events, but congregants often ask if it's okay to have at home. One Rabbi (no names here) told me that since the sherry or wine casks impart no flavor, it is fine (!). I agree with your note that in Israel people are more interested in the kashrus questions, where in the UK / US people are often pretty hostile to the idea that stam yeinam can be an issue. With gratitude for all of your work, and making these resources available, Adam


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